Sustainable Living for Retirees
It’s hard not to care about the environment today. You can’t go more than a few days without reading another story about climate change or witnessing the effects firsthand when there’s a big storm, serious fire, or prolonged drought. While the situation can seem huge and overwhelming sometimes, there are actually quite a few things retirees can do to live more eco-friendly lifestyles and help the earth.
Eco-Friendly Living Tips
One of the most important things to know about sustainable living is that every little thing counts. You don’t necessarily need to completely overhaul your life if you want to be more environmentally friendly. There are many simple things you can do.
Grow your Own Food
Gardening is a popular activity for retirees for many reasons. It’s relaxing, stimulating, peaceful, and now you finally have time to do it! While growing flowers and other plants is always wonderful, it’s also possible to grow your own food. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds! How you do this will depend on where you live and how much space you have, however. Just know that you don’t need a vast property filled with farmland to get started.
You can grow herbs (basil, oregano, dill, and many others) in pots on your windowsill, so you don’t even necessarily need a yard. Beans, peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, and many other plans can be grown in small spaces and in pots, so don’t feel limited by the size of your outdoor space. Just think of what you like to eat, consider the climate you live in, and try growing some of your own food. It’s great for your budget, your mental health, and the earth!
Downsize your Home
Now that you’re retired and your family has moved out, it can be a good time to think about downsizing your home. Do you really need all those extra rooms? Not only are they additional work to clean and take care of, but you’re also paying to heat them in the winter and cool them in the summer. Downsizing to a smaller home can take some stress out of your life and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. Plus, you’ll save money on your electricity and gas bills too!
Use More Sustainable Materials
Plastics and goods made with harmful chemicals aren’t great for the environment. There’s growing evidence that they’re not great for your health either (have you heard about how microplastics can get into your brain), so choosing other options helps you while also helping out the earth.
Take reusable cloth bags with you when you go shopping instead of carrying your groceries in plastic. Choose a steel or glass reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled water. Use natural cleaning products or make your own (vinegar and baking soda work wonders in so many situations!) instead of cleaning with harsh chemicals.
Use Alternate Transportation
Depending on where you live, it might be possible to walk, bike, or take public transit when running errands and going on excursions. This isn’t just better for the environment, but it can save you money on gas and improve your overall health as well. Rather than taking the car on a five-minute drive, why not walk for 20 minutes instead? If it’s possible for you, there are a lot of benefits. Nearly everyone can use more daily exercise, especially retirees who may not have as many opportunities to be active. Plus, you’ll also be making an eco-friendly choice.
Support Local Businesses
Instead of driving across town to get something or ordering things online and having them shipped to you, see if you can find what you’re looking for locally instead. This will help you reduce your carbon footprint while contributing to your local economy. Helping a nearby business isn’t just an eco-friendly choice, it’s one that’s good for your neighborhood too!
What You Can Do as a Retiree
Despite what a lot of people might think, eco-friendly living isn’t a more expensive choice. In fact, sustainable living can actually be more cost-effective. It’s often cheaper to make your own cleaners, walk instead of drive, heat and cool a smaller home, or shop locally. Plus, you’ll be trying new things and making a positive difference at the same time, which is great for your mood and your mental health.
You don’t need to stress yourself out by trying to make several drastic changes to your lifestyle all at once. You don’t need to consider this an overwhelming or arduous choice. Remember, small things matter. Changing the way you shop, the way you eat, and the way you get around can make a real difference. Get together with others in your community and commit to living healthier and more eco-friendly lifestyles. You’ll enjoy it, feel great about yourself, and help make the world a better place for future generations.